Dental crowns
A dental crown fits over the remaining part of a tooth, helping to strengthen it and making it look like a whole, natural tooth once more.
There are a number of reasons why we may recommend them. Your tooth may be very decayed and not strong enough to be filled any more, the top part of the tooth may have been accidentally damaged, or you may need one following root canal treatment. Crowns are also sometimes needed to help support a dental bridge.
We will numb your tooth and the area around it so we can prepare your tooth, and will take an impression, or mould, of the area. We will also take a note of the natural shade of your teeth.
These will be used by skilled technicians at a dental laboratory to create a crown which fits and matches your other teeth perfectly.
While the crown is being made, you will be fitted with a temporary one. Once your new crown is ready – usually within two weeks – we will fit it and bond it firmly into place.
If you think you may need a crown or if you have a crown that you are unhappy with please get in touch to find out how we can help.